The Classical V-belt achieves power ratings considerably higher than most other belts available in the market. The compounds uséd to build up these belts are chosen to match the stipulated power ratings. Classical V-Belts offer distinct advantages towards increased safety on critical drives
IF YOU WANT THE EXACT FIT OEM SPEC BELT, please search our eBay item number 121773160449 which is .559" x 98.465" kevlar
We try to list the belt as accurately as possible and make sure the part numbers are correct but please measure your belt if you are unsure. If you do not know what size belt you need or the OEM part number FOR SURE please email me!
Returns are accepted within 14 business days but the shipping cost to and from me will be at the buyers expense. We can't lose money because you ordered the wrong belt. A 15% restocking fee also will apply to all returns. If it was our error in shipping and we sent you the incorrect part a replacement belt will be sent out at OUR cost.
Tracking information is uploaded daily on all orders and we will ship all orders out within 1 business day from when payment is cleared. 99% we always have the parts on hand but if there is a problem or delay in any part we will notify you.
Methods of payment are paypal only at this time.
Contact information is through Ebay only. We WILL EMAIL you back in a timely manner. Ebay prohibits the seller to list telephone numbers or personal email accounts and this helps protect Ebay, the seller and the buyer and we do comply with Ebay's terms.
IF YOU DO NOT KNOW ALREADY, JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR YOU JUST HOW YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. You do not or can not get yourself clean enough or ready enough to save yourself but you can only be saved through the cleansing of JESUS CHRIST and Faith in Him. If you have questions on this matter please feel free to email me also and I will do my best to help and pray for you and you do not have to buy a thing from me. I can tell you that He is more real and He is more alive than you could ever imagine and He will absolutely change your life and save your soul!